Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Here Comes The Sun

Finally a bit of summer and right away we see many serious sunglassers gather in their local hot spots and watering holes.
At a garden barbecue I met this real fireman who admitted he had a passion for smoke and cool eye wear

Monday, 16 July 2007

Elvises Without A Stage

Just a few victims of Leidens destructive
High Art Policies, wich only seem to help
contracters who can grab a few
extra bucks

But losing their stage also got many an Anonymous Elvis off the couch and
more ready to rock and roll than ever

and now there seems to be something of a grassroots counter MOVEMENT growing here...
If the mountain doesn't come to EA,
then EA will go to the mountain !!!
What would Rembrandt do ?
They've taken HIS canvas too....

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Backstage Cool

This weekend I was at an EA Meeting where I met many new friendly sunglassers who wanted to share their picture with the world. It was great, they even had an
all EA crew backstage

EA In The Field

It's just about a year ago since EA began to attract some attention in the mainstream. The first BIG open air EA event got perfect weather and maximum publicity. The festival season has just begun again, so who knows what surprise sunglassing there is yet to be experienced ?

Have you ever been an ANONYMOUS ELVIS ?

Nobody is able or willing to explain WHY they do it. They all say you have to put on your shades and try for yourself if EA is a good thing for you or not.
Most scientists agree that there seem to be no health hazards, but we don't know what the effect will be in the long run

There were days when it wasn't HIP yet...

In the beginning nobody knew what to think of this new thing.
But soon we found out there were more Anonymous Elvises among us than we had expected
Now it seems everybody's wearing them cool EA shades night and day
So many Anonymous Elvises can't be wrong, they say, don't they ?

Who or what is EA ?

We don't know what it means, but we begin to see it everywhere

Join IN ?

Politely ask an Anonymous Elvis for permission, then take their picture and post it somewhere on the web. Tag them 'EA', so other Anonymous Elvises can find them.
You can also start your own EA groups and organize EA meetings in your neighbourhood or on the web.
Now it's all up to YOU....

EA History

In the summer of 2006 I began to notice more and more Anonymous Elvises on the street and in the nightlife. Since then Serious Sunglassing got so popular that
EA Meetings were held in growing numbers and some daring Elvis Anonymii even
allowed one another to be photographed for the www.lvp-site.nl/general.html,
where an exhibition of Anonymous Elvises in need of a stage is to be seen on the web. My picture is somewhere in there too, you can recognize me by the Cool Shades.....