Sunday, 14 October 2007

Very Promising EA Talent

This Radical Elvis says YES !!! and what can we say to top that?

Thursday, 11 October 2007

New Virtual EA Store Opened

Last night my friend Marcel Starbrook of Altimprov.dotcom.etc informed me that a Virtual EA Shop had opened on his http:// site.
The owners of this shop seem to be dedicated sunglassers and deserve some decent EA endorsement, wich we hereby happily oblige to
You can also watch a flash EA Slideshow there wich features most of the Elvises posted here in this blog. Just click the LINK to the so called 'EA Steunpunt' on the right hand side of the EA Homepage or the link here:

Don't be disappointed if it takes a while loading it, so many Elvises cannot be wrong, but it will take a whole lot more to get them all there in minimal time

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Second Life Revisited

Granny's old Jumping Jack Flash shirts seem to find their way through the recycling shops back into the spotlight.
I bet this TV host secretly carries a pair of EA goggles ,too

Saturday, 6 October 2007

New Elvis Entries

Here's the latest pick of fresh EA portraits.
The Pioneer Elvis above here refused to wear any sunglasses, but supports EA. He requested a special kind of mugbar wich he calls his 'Sputs'

At the ONTZETTEND LEIDEN FESTIVAL we saw some Elvises making the 'Double L' sign, another secret code in the local EA community, meaning something like
Original LEIDEN Local Loco or Double Lvis